Fraction of a second, minute, hour, day, month, year all the time that we pass during our life in this world. Many of the things we have done whether it's a bad thing, good stuff, etc. You want to know how valuable time? Try to ask a mother who gave birth to a premature child how important month for the baby.

Many people who have wasted time to do things that harm themselves, as for example, people who use drugs. Maybe drugs that have made him feel much calmer but he did not think long that the drug is a drug which would harm himself. Try you ask the athletes run the importance of a fraction of time to reach the finish underlined. Meanwhile, people who have been using the prohibited items instead use seperdetiknya time to destroy himself.

How important a second time for people who have an accident. What are we going to realize that the second time is valuable time for us before going to the accident happened? We will never realize that the second time it can make our lives lost.

Ask the passengers how important time is late 5 minutes to not at the airport. We have spent 5 minutes with things that take it easy, but when we have been too late to come to the airport then within 5 minutes it will be a very valuable for us, because it is not possible even though the plane was waiting for us just 5 minutes only.

How important it took an hour for someone waiting lover come. Though only an hour wait was very boring then when we let our loved ones wait we do not let him wait too long because we would not know what he would do when he gets bored of waiting for us.

How important a day for people who work daily in the newspapers. Indeed the importance of a day for people who work daily in the newspapers but do you realize that your daily time have you miss so alone, with nothing that you can do with positive things.

Ask a diseased cancer how important a year to survive. Time of year for them to survive it is worth but what have we missed during this year? Do we have to use the time this year with positive things? Or even a lot of the time we do not use it properly ?

Try you ponder! That every time that you have passed it is a very valuable time, which you do not even deserve to waste, let alone use it with useless things, and be careful to take every decision of your life because it will determine your future like what. So you should start to have now learn to be able to use your time as well as possible do not let you feel what the athletes, the accidents, premature babies, daily newspaper journalist, people who develop cancer. Maybe if time could be in retreat, or even can be played back maybe they will mengubahdan fix what they should be doing every day with the best.

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